Monday 6 October 2014

Girl In Grey !!!

A hot august morning. Tried to wake up early in the morning to catch my college bus at 6:30 in the morning, it was my first day to an engineering college was very excited touched up all the essential things in my bag ( not the one all girl's have :) ) mine was quite education oriented stuff - pen, notebook, lunchbox and a deo. Oops !! deo is not education oriented.

So the journey began, boarded the bus. As soon as i entered the bus my eyes just went through all the occupied seats, yes occupied one's just to have a look at all the mates sitting in the bus. I didn't really found a cute looking girl. :( I decided to sit on the very last seat.

Reached college in around 1.5 hrs, yes it takes long to travel from Delhi to Faridabad.

Got into my class and while climbing the stairs to the floor i accidentally hit a guy "Vaibhav" who from then onward became my friend. I forced him to sit on the very first seat he still curse me for this.
The normal intro began we both were listening to the all the students profile and side-wise taking a look at all the girls around in our class.

Here comes the trail of girl's voices describing there academic achievements. A cute voice came.
Hi, I am "Something Something" - I missed the name.
I am from Faridabad, did my schooling from MVN scored more than 95% in 12th and more than 97% in 10th.
Me and Vaibhav turned back to give a look at her

She was cute wearing a light grey colored sweat-shirt and a blue denims. Stupidly I was staring at her don't know what all she narrated after i turned back. I was just busy watching her face. She finished with her part and took her seat back. I was still staring She made an eye contact gave me a cute smile and i realized she also has a cute dimple on her face. Secondly I realized, i was still facing back. I immediately turned back.

Class got over me and Vaibhav reached downstairs and then we discussed about all the normal stuff about our family and what all we did not achieved in our life till that point and then i told him about " the girl in the grey shirt"

He just made fun of me and we moved towards cafeteria and had our lunch. The whole day went off well. at 4 we reached the area from where we had to board our buses.

We both boarded our respective buses and called it a day.

A New Life A New Beginning !

Hey This is my first Blog...

Let me introduce myself. I am Saurabh (No one's interested to listen to all this intro. Lets cut the crap out)

So here i am writing my first blog the difficult part was to decide what to write !
So let me tell you what motivated me to start writing blogs and enter this large pool where number of blogs are written in an hour.

Today is just an ordinary day of September, I was planning to leave my bed in the morning around 6'ish because I need to catch up with my office cab. Suddenly my mind started feeling sleepy and I slept once again and i didn't feel like waking up.

I don't know when i slept and when i entered my cute little dream that dream reminds me about the very first day of my college life. which changed my entire life.

The next post of mine will elaborate about the very first day when i meet the girl of my dreams ! Yes she remained in my dreams only !